Full Stack Web Development

VSTH01 ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs and React: A Winning Team


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate

Roland Guijt

Microsoft MVP, Trainer

There's a lot of smartness built into minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core which allows you to create straightforward, maintainable REST APIs while maintaining all the goodness of ASP.NET Core.

After explaining the concepts of minimal APIs, I'm showing you how such an API sticks together and I'll show you a frontend that makes the most out of it using the immensely popular React, that can use React-Query to talk to our minimal API in a very smart way. without having to worry about things like caching and refreshing data anymore!

You will learn:

  • How minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core can benefit
  • Why React is the best choice as a SPA framework atm
  • Effective query techniques from client to API